Lips augementation

Lips augementation recently was associated by women with striving for perfection to movie stars. Times have changed, however, large and well formed, as well as expressive lips have become an almost universal desire of every woman. Lip augmentation surgery is not complicated.
Usually it is performed under local anesthesia using a special cream or dental anesthesia is used. The procedure begins with introduction of preparation with a syringe. Site of injection depends on the effect you wish to obtain. Then the doctor gently massages lips, causing uniform distribution of the filler.

Preparations commonly used for lips augmentation:


a clear gel is applied to the correction of soft tissue. It is injected subcutaneously. The effect is immediate. Aqvamid preparation is safe, not absorbed by the organism and not detectable in touch. This preparation does not need to repeat the treatment after several months. It stays in the palce of injection-it is an unique asset.


is completely absorbed by the organism, with no side effects, and the results are immediate. It is used to: lip augmentation, improving the shape of the mouth, lips correction. It is a safe formulation, absorbed gradually, works 8-12 months.


crystal clear gel is hyaluronic acid - a naturally occurring polysaccharide in the body subjected to a patented process of stabilization. It’s almost identical to the natural hyaluronic acid found in each body. It works a long time, but it is not permanent.