
This is a new method of skin rejuvenation. Photorejuvenation fights with all the signs of photoaging of the skin, such as wrinkles, dilated pores, irregular pigmentation, capillaries of the skin and muscle relaxation.
Currently the most performed non-ablative rejuvenation (in which light penetrates into the skin, without damaging its surface) because it is non-invasive. The procedure involves irradiation of the skin of the face, neck or back of the hands with a special kind of intense light, similar to laser light, called. IPL.
Flushing and spider veins on your face after just one treatment are absorbed in the 50-70%, dark spots on the hands usually require 1-2 treatments. For a full photo rejuvenation treatment consists of a series of 4-6 treatments by 3 or 4 weeks. Each subsequent treatment is performed on a different depth of the skin. The skin is reddened after it, but the next day makeup may be applied.